Photos that were taken at our Optimist Park location are available to view on the web page. Just click on Photos on the web site menu. Then click on Sunday Pickleball at Optimist Park. You may also view the photos using Google Plus.
Hot off the press
Pickleball Tonight (Thursday 09/04/14) at Fern Bell 6:00 to 8:30.
NO Pickleball at Optimist Park tomorrow (Friday 09/05/14). Closed for a special event.
Pickleball on Sunday (09/07/14) at Optimist Park:
New and Developing Players 1:30 to 3:00
Intermediate and Competitive Players 3:00 to 4:30
Next week there will be NO evening play at Fern Bell. There is some chance we may get one evening a week for a month or so after that… stay tuned for more information.