Until further notice Saturday play is no longer available at Fern Bell Recreation Center.
Until further notice Sunday play is no longer available at Optimist Park.
Until further notice Saturday play is no longer available at Fern Bell Recreation Center.
Until further notice Sunday play is no longer available at Optimist Park.
Berachah Recreation Center will be closed November 7-11 for floor refinishing.
All Huntsville Recreations Centers will be closed on Friday, November 11, for Veterans’ Day.
If you usually play at Berachah on Monday, Wednesday, you are welcome to play at Brahan Spring or Optimist.
Brahan Spring and Optimist courts are being taped Monday.
Brahan Spring court will be taped beginning about 8:30 a.m.. The court should be ready for play about 10:00 a.m.
Optimist court will be taped beginning at 10:30. (Because courts are being taped, playing time may be much shorter at Optimist)