The Serve.

  • When serving the ball, look where you want the ball to go.
  • Then, lower your chin and serve.
  • Keep your chin lowered and do not look where the ball is going until you hear the popping sound of the ball hitting your paddle.
  • If you raise your chin, your arm will go high and the ball will also go high.

Coaches Corner is coming soon.

A new area will soon be added to our front page.  It’s called Coaches Corner.  Periodically, tips and advice for our club members will be posted.  Anyone can contribute.  Just send your suggestions to Sheila Davidson.

Pickleball Serving and Safety Clinic to be held on Friday, April 28th.

Pickleball Clinic

Topic:  Pickleball Serving and Safety

Where:  Optimist Recreation Center

Date:  Friday, April 28, 2017

Time:  12:30 pm-2:00pm

Instructors:  Beverly Scherer and Dee Scott

All are welcome.  Please attend, If you want to know if your serve is legal or want to improve your serve.

Two courts will be used for the clinic.  One court will still be available for regular Friday play.

Open and Closed status for Huntsville Recreation Centers.

All Huntsville Recreation Centers will be closed this weekend (April 15th and 16th).

Follows is the status for Friday, April 14th.

  • Optimist – Open – Pickleball as usual.
  • Fern Bell – Open – Pickleball not scheduled for Fridays.
  • Berachah – Closed.
  • Max Luther – Closed.
  • Brahan Spring – Open – Pickleball as usual.
  • Senior Center – Closed.