Click Here to view the registration page.
Registration Fees and information:
* Individual and Doubles Registration fee is $45.
This $45 registration fee allows athletes to participate in as many sports/events as they would like with the exception of Team Sports and as long as there are no scheduling conflicts.
* Team Sports will have a $150 Team Fee + $15 Per Player Fee for each team sport – Basketball, Softball & Volleyball.
- Bowling ($10 per athlete/per event) & Golf ($65) have an additional site fee. Bowling and Golf site fee includes one lunch per day.
- Archery participants may only participate in one archery division.
- Swimmers may enter a maximum of six swimming events.
- Tennis players are only allowed to participate in 2 events.
Registered athletes will receive an event t-shirt.
Drinks (water/sport drink) & snacks (fruit/snack bars) will be provided at locations sites for the athletes if venue allows.