Schedule changes.

Starting June 5, 2023, Fern Bell is making Monday evenings available for pickleball from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

During June and July of 2023, Tuesday morning pickleball play at Mark Russell will start at 10:30 am instead of 9:30 am.

Pickled Pink Tournament Update

Let’s get ready to have some tournament fun and raise money for the Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund!  Here is some important information about the Pickled Pink Tournament and fundraiser this Friday and Saturday:

Schedule:  Please log in to your pickleball brackets account and select the “Pickled Pink” tournament.  You will now see start times for all events. If you want to see your individual event, put your last name in the search box and only your events will show.  Pairings will be released tomorrow. Please plan to check-in 30 minutes before your game begins. Check-in will begin at 11:30 am on Friday and 7:15 am on Saturday.

Opening Ceremonies:  Noon on Friday at Dublin Park

Even if you are playing soon after or on this day, if you can, please come and show your support.  The Mayor of Madison will be saying a few words, the James Clemens High School JROTC will present colors, and Jennie Prinkey, student at UAH, will be singing the National Anthem.

Chance to Win tickets:  These will be on sale throughout the event at the Huntsville Pickleball Club tent.  Cost is 5 for $10, 15 for $20, and 40 for $40. We can take credit or cash.  All proceeds benefit the Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund.  Last chance to purchase tickets will be 4:30 pm on Saturday.  All drawings will be at 5 pm on Saturday.  You do not need to be present to win, but it is more fun! All tournament participants will receive 5 free tickets at check-in. 

Sample of Chance to Win items:

  • Club Pilates One Month 8 Pack Membership Gift Certificate
  • Two Tickets to a Rocket City Trash Pandas Game in 2023 plus Logan O’Hoppe Bobblehead
  • Gift Certificate for a Two Visit Health & Wellness Package plus NesinFit Physical Therapy Sports Bag, & Intracell Massage Roller Stick
  • Retreet Gift Certificate  for a two Night Stay in a Treehouse, Glamping Tent, or Tiny House
  • 5 amazing paddles! Brands include:  Head, Engage, Diadem (2), AMA

Paddle demos:  We will have paddle reps from Selkirk, Engage, Vulcan, Head, Legacy, and Eon.  Make sure to bring your ID as some paddle reps will be required this for paddle check-out. 

Other ways to support:

  • T-shirt sales: We will have a limited # of t-shirts for sale – $20
  • Donations: We can take cash or credit.
  • Location will be at the HPC Tent/table


  • Visit our sponsor tables (some have giveaways!): Breast Center Tent (First Aid station), Topspin Tennis, West Huntsville Club Pilates, Southern Cancer Center, and US Senior Pickleball.
  • How to find an open court to warm-up or demo a paddle: Look for the signs on the fences by the courts.  Green means “go”, and that court is available, red means “stop” and that court is not available. 
  • In case of rain, we have allowed for slack in the schedule. We will text players if any changes are made to the schedule. Your help with drying courts, if needed, is greatly appreciated.  Pack towels and blowers to help with this effort.
  • IMPORTANT: All players please have text notifications turned on in your pickleball brackets account.