Is that ball in or out?

New players sometimes have difficulty determining if the ball is in bounds or out of bounds, especially players who have played tennis for many years.  The rules for tennis are different than the rules for pickleball.  Here is the verbiage and an image from the 2018 official rulebook.

6.C. A ball contacting the playing surface outside of the
baseline or sideline, even though the edge of the ball
overlaps the line, is considered out of bounds (see the
Figure below).

Hopefully this guideline will clarify the rules.

Click Here to view a video about line calls.

Pickleball Serving and Safety Clinic to be held on Friday, April 28th.

Pickleball Clinic

Topic:  Pickleball Serving and Safety

Where:  Optimist Recreation Center

Date:  Friday, April 28, 2017

Time:  12:30 pm-2:00pm

Instructors:  Beverly Scherer and Dee Scott

All are welcome.  Please attend, If you want to know if your serve is legal or want to improve your serve.

Two courts will be used for the clinic.  One court will still be available for regular Friday play.

Clinic for true beginners.

What: Clinic for true beginners

Where: Max Luther Recreation Center

When: Mondays and Wednesdays until further notice (beginning September 12)

Time: 12:00-2:00 p.m.

Instructors: Al Yancey and Tony Horn

Who can attend: Anyone  who is a true beginner. Those who attend do not have to be pickleball  club members.

if you are not a true beginner but know someone who is please encourage him or her to attend.

There is no charge.

Successful July Clinics.

The Pickleball Clinics that were held at Brahan Spring Recreation Center each Wednesday in July, were well attended and quite successful. Thank you Pat McInnis and Sherry Barnes for Planning and teaching the clinics.