A lot of new information for Huntsville Pickleball players.

Dear Pickleball Friends,

This is going to be a long, informative email so please keep reading to the end!  It probably won’t be the last email you receive from me this week, either.  Sorry!

Here is the information I received from Mr. Ivey, the director of Huntsville Parks and Recreation.

Max Luther – the gym is about 30 days out from completion.

Berachah – the earliest opening would be October for both the gym and outside courts.

Sandra Moon Outdoors – The restrooms were vandalized and work orders have been placed to have those fixed, but there is no completion date at this time.

Because of extenuating circumstances, windscreens are still 2-3 weeks away.

Trash cans were delivered today.  Please remember to pick up after yourselves.  Water and gatorade bottles have been left behind.  Even if club members didn’t leave the trash, let’s help pick up the courts and the surrounding area.

Sandra Moon Indoors – completion for pickleball is at least one to two years out.

Hampton Cove will not open until late October and pickleball will be scheduled once opened.

The Huntsville Sports Commission is looking into scheduling pickleball tournaments in the future.

I did add a follow up question asking if there is any projection when the recreation centers will be open evenings and weekends.  I’lll update when I know.  I have not heard back about a firm date for the Senior Center opening for pickleball.

Other important information:

If you are playing indoors, PLEASE sign in legibly and also PLEASE put a check mark after your name if your age is 60+.  Our site reps must report attendance numbers to the Senior Center and your cooperation will make their jobs a bit easier.  We do not report your name but need to report numbers of regular club members (why we need to be able to actually read your name) vs visitors and numbers for those over 60.

Registration for the Alabama State Games in Dothan can be found at https://www.asffoundation.org/alabama-state-games.  If the games were to be canceled a full and immediate refund for registration will be given. Pickleball events are scheduled for Friday, July 31 and Saturday, August 1.

Registration is also open for the USAPA USA Atlantic South Regional Tournament in Foley, AL.  Dates are August 21-23.  Some events are already full.  You must be a USAPA member to play in this tournament.  Information can be found at https://www.pickleballtournaments.com/tournamentinfo.pl?tid=3584.

Reminder that all members of the Huntsville Pickleball club can receive a 5% discount on all items ordered from Pickleball Central.  In addition, our club will get a dollar value equal to 5% of your purchase added to our club’s Reward Account that can be used to purchase equipment for our club. To get the discount enter the following information at checkout:  Club name: Huntsville Pickleball Club.  Club discount code: CRHuntsville

FINALLY, at our board meeting on June 22 we will be discussing if and how our club could financially contribute to making the pickleball experience in Huntsville even better.  Some ideas include purchasing court dividers, bleachers or sun shades for our outdoor venues.  If you have any other ideas for us to consider, please let me know.

If you have read this to the end, may the net be your friend!

Kate Lahti

Senior Center Fund Raiser.

The Senior Center Fundraiser will be held on Saturday,  August 5,  2017 at the Jackson Center at 6:00 PM.

Click the link below to view the flyer for further information.


If you do not want to attend the fundraiser but want to make a donation, please make the check payable to the Senior Center with auction on the memo line.

The address is:

Huntsville Madison County Senior Center
2200 Drake Avenue
Huntsville,  Alabama, 35805

The fundraiser and donations will be used to support senior center programs and make them affordable for all.

Thank You

Watch the Pickleball US Open Championships

You may want to watch the Pickleball US Open Championships.

Friday, May 19
744CBSSN Pickleball:US Open Championship — US Open Championship 7:00 PM (1 hr)

Friday, May 26
744CBSSN Pickleball:US Open Championship — US Open Championship 6:00 PM (1 hr)
744CBSSN Women’s Pickleball:U.S. Open Pickleball Championship — U.S. Open Pickleball Championship 7:00 PM (1 hr)
744CBSSN Pickleball: US Open Championship — US Open Championship 9:00 PM (1 hr)
744CBSSN Women’s Pickleball: U.S. Open Pickleball Championship — U.S. Open Pickleball Championship 10:00 PM (1 hr)